- All formatting must be removed from your Excel .xlsx file prior to uploading/merging data to W50. This includes all borders and coloring of text.
- Ensure there is only one sheet in the .xlsx file and that there are no hidden sheets.
- Ensure there are no Filters in place on the .xlsx file that you intend to upload/merge.
- The Data Type contained in each field of your .xlsx file must match the data map type in the list. You cannot for example upload letters to a numeric field.
It is important to be especially aware of this regarding Date fields, Fixed fields and Multi-choice fields.
- Date fields must be in the following format – dd/mm/yyyy, or Jan 22, 2016.
- Fixed fields are matching with the preexisting values in the list.
- Multi-choice fields are correct with no variation and are separated by a comma for more than one value. Example ‘value1,value2,value3’
- Fields must be within the allowable field size. We recommend that there be less than 100 characters in any field. ‘Long text’ is the only data type that should be seen as the exception to this rule.
Placing too many characters in a field can lead to data upload errors.
- If you want to add test Contacts to your list, we recommend that you include these contacts on the file you intend to merge and in the column Is Part of Test, you identify the Test Seeds with a 1 and the Seed Only contacts with a 0.
- Remove non-letter characters in your column titles.
- The .xlsx file that you wish to merge must be named in such a way that you can easily identify the correct file for uploading. This is also important for subsequent Journeys where you might need to target that specific data again.
Correct: MasterListDecChristmasContacts2015.xls
Incorrect: Contacts45.xls
- When merging into an existing list, ensure that the Unique Identifier value you merge in by is distinct and present in all contacts.