
Document Upload Feature

The 'Upload' feature can be used to collect documents from your customers/members. With this feature, you can submit documents such as ID photos, photos of bills for proof of address, even selfies. The files are collected in a designated folder in the File Manager, and can be labelled for easy organisation.

When working in the designer for your webform, the 'Upload' option can be selected as shown in the below screenshot.


Choosing this will create a field in your webform with a distinctive dotted border and upload icon. When clicked, an Upload window will appear on your computer/device, and prompt the user to choose a relevant file to upload.



To ensure the Document Upload feature is set up correctly, use the Properties Panel on the right hand side of the designer and you'll see the options listed in the screenshot below. These options allow you to determine what sort of file you'd like to collect, maximum file size limits, what file name format you'd like to use, and where the files are stored.

Particularly for the 'File name template', using the 'Insert Field' option will allow you to personalise each file uploaded, therefore organising each file with personal info.

The final option you'll see below determines the amount of days you would like a backup of each file to be stored for.



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