
Segmentation - SMS

Segmentation is where you choose which recipients from your Contact List you will send your SMS to. You may not want to send it to the entire Contact List you selected at the beginning.

The Segmentation screen will look empty at first. To the top right of the screen, below View Report, you will see the total number of Contacts in your Contact List. To begin Segmentation, click the blue 'Add Condition' option within the Conditions box, as shown by the arrow below.


A popup window will open allowing you to Select a Condition. On the leftside of the popup are the selectable Contact Field Conditions, and on the rightside are the Behaviour Conditions.


In Contact Field Segmentation Conditions, you are segmenting by available information in your Contact List i.e., First Name, Mobile Phone Number, Consent to Marketing etc. You can choose to Segment by whether any Field is Equal to, Starting with, Contains or Is Empty of any specified data.


With Behaviour Segmentation Conditions, you are segmenting by the Behaviour of Contacts in your Contact List, i.e., you can choose to only send your SMS to recipients who Opened a previous SMS or previous Email of yours. You can designate which SMS or Email from your archive of previous Journeys in Which50.

Step 1:

Click on the 'Email' option, to select one of your previously created Email Journeys. Once you have clicked on 'Email', you will then see the option to "Choose Email...", which is underlined in the screenshot below.


Step 2:

Once you have clicked to "Choose Email...", the next pop-up screen will display all of the previously created Journeys. You can select any one you'd like to use, in the screenshot below we have selected one from the previous month.


Step 3:

Now you have selected a previous Journey, you can now Segment your current Journey based on the recipients' behaviour from that previous Journey. From here we can Segment and send to anyone who has been Sent or Delivered that previous Email, or perhaps any who have Opened or not Opened the email.


Clicking once in any of the boxes creates a tick, clicking twice creates an X. Therefore, you can choose to only send to Contacts who were Delivered a previous SMS, or only send to Contacts who were not Delivered a previous SMS etc.

Segmentation is a very important step and must be manually selected each time for a New Journey. Click Save in the top right when you are finished making your selections. You will see the figure for number of Contacts with valid opted-in Mobile phone numbers has changed accordingly.

When implementing Segmentation settings for your Journey, you can choose AND as well as OR Segmentations. With AND Segmentations, you are stipulating that the Contacts to be targeted must meet all the Segmentation Conditions selected. With OR Segmentations, Contacts to be targeted need only meet one of the Segmentation Conditions.

Be aware of the grey OR divider line on this Add Conditions screen, as it separates the AND and OR conditions you can select.


The more AND conditions you introduce, the lower your figure for number of contacts will be. If OR conditions are introduced, the number will rise again.



Target Source File: A useful Contact Field Segmentation Condition is Target 'Source File'. With this Condition in place, only Contacts on your Excel Source File will receive your SMS when this Source File is Merged into a previously uploaded Contact List in Which50. You can learn more about Merging here.

To introduce the Source File Condition, click Add Condition + and choose Source File from the bottom of the Contact Field column) as shown below.

Ensure that Source File is ticked, and choose "In File" from the dropdown in the middle if not already selected. Then, from the dropdown on the rightside, choose the actual Source File you want to target.


Once Segmentation is complete, click Save. The next and final of the four phases is Schedule.

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